WORD FOR 2012 ~ I may need some HELP!

I just read Traci from Beneath My Heart‘s recent post about Layla’s The Lettered Cottage “Word of the Year” linking party. She’s challenging us to pick a special word that will resonate, resound, remind, and represent our life all year long.

This got my little brain ticking extra fast. Our family has had the tradition of writing down three goals for the year. We’re not great about thinking about them all year long but at the next year’s New Year’s dinner, we take out  the cards that have our goals written on them and we see if we met them. We meet about 50% !

So, after reading Traci’s post, I whipped out my cards.

My Goals for 2012
1.  Learn how to use my new camera.
2.  Be in God’s Word daily.
3.  Work out 2-3 times a week.
4.  Stop swearing!
5.  Improve my blog.

I read over these for a long time thinking of what special word would remind me how to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister, neighbor, Christian, blogger. Then it came to me!!

The word that will be bouncing around my head in the year 2012 is ………………

  1. I want to help spread God’s love to the people who don’t feel it. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after (help) orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27a
  2. I want to be a helpmate for the LOML. “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate for him.'” Genesis 2:18 
  3. I want to help my children love their God, themselves, and everyone in their life. “And ye shall teach (help) your children, speaking of them (God’s words) when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Deut. 11:19
  4. I want to need God’s help instead of relying on myself. “Lord, be thou my helper.” Psalm 30:10b
How do I apply my new word to my 2012 goals you may ask:
  1. Learn how to use my new camera. Help my blog be better.
  2. Be in God’s Word daily. Help me to be more like Christ.
  3. Work out 2-3 days a week. Help my body to be stronger, healthier.
  4. Stop swearing. Help me to be a better example to my children.
  5. Improve blog. Help add a little bit more creativity to blogland. (I’m not sure it needs it but I’m going to try!)
I just re-read what I wrote and I’m overwhelmed BUT I’m going to try anyways. I want to help everyone in my life feel loved and special and appreciated.
Here’s to 2012!!!!

Linking up to The Lettered Cottage’s “Word of the Year” link party

Love ya,

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