What are the football players doing on the marching band field?

I love the title of this post.
This is exactly how we felt when our two oldest sons were in the high school marching band. We like watching football BUT we were there for the marching band and specifically for a special trumpet and/or trombone player with our last name!
My oldest son’s senior year marching show was my favorite show of all time. My second son was a freshman trombonist in the same show. It was titled “Arlington ~ Where Valor Never Sleeps”. It’s a tribute to all the men and women who served and are serving in the armed forces. The show was comprised of  tombstones of famous people who served, release of doves, Taps, the flying of the American flag and my favorite, an awesome trumpet solo during “America the Beautiful”. I still can’t watch without tearing up and feeling so proud of our wonderful country! Here’s a short video of the last song of the show. Watch the front right corner for my oldest son doing his solo. He’s tiny but you can definitely hear him playing. Please watch until the end because this is where I tear up every time! ENJOY!
Our third and fourth sons also play marching band instruments BUT they LOVE playing football. So our tune (forgive the pun) has changed a little now that we go to the high school football games for the football.


This past weekend we went to the North Carolina mountains to see our second son at college.
 He is in the marching band at Appalachian State University. It was Family Weekend so
 we watched a football game,
 enjoyed the half-time show,


 went to dinner with our band geek, had breakfast the next morning,
watched him performed with the Appalachian Philharmonia,
 took him and his roommate out for dinner then drove home.
It was a GREAT weekend full of fun, laughter, lots of conversation, music, football, cheering, winning (App State beat Coastal Carolina 55-14), eating, and not much sleeping.

Do y’all go to football games for the football or do you go to see the band?


Love y’all,

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