Hello All! Hope your week is going well. Tomorrow is Friday so it can't be too bad!!


We're sort of stalled on the built-in bookcases in our family room. The LOML bought a table saw on Craigslist and is reading the manual on how to use it without losing any body parts. I think we're both scaredy cats! MEOW!


While I'm impatiently patiently waiting, I am updating a pair of cabinets that I want to put on either side of the fireplace. 


You can overlook the lovely family photo if you want and concentrate on the cabinet on the left. If you care, this is our Christmas picture from 2007. Wow, do we look young!


I wanted to update the cabinets a little bit so they would fit into the design of our new family room, so I:

1) took off the doors,

2) painted the cabinets the same bright white as the trim and built-ins,

3) stained the light oak top a dark chesnut ~ the same color as the plywood floors we installed.


I lightly sanded both cabinets, cleaned, painted the cabinets with two coats of KILZ primer and two coats of bright white, stained the top with about 5 coats of Minwax chesnut stain, then polyurethaned with 4 coats on the base and 6 coats on the stained tops. The whole cabinet is veneer so I wasn't sure how the stain would work. So, as usual, I googled it. Everywhere I read, it said sand veneer lightly, wipe down, condition the wood with wood conditioner, then stain to the desired color following the directions on the stain can. I'm not sure why but after I applied the stain, I couldn't wipe the excess off. It became sticky right away so I just let it dry to the touch and then applied the next coat (about 6 hours). It came out pretty good.



I ordered the storage baskets from Overstock.com for $27 for three and ordered three sets. They came with green liners.


Here's where y'all come in….I can't decide if the baskets look better with or without the liners. The family is basically even on the votes. Three like them with and three like them without. HELP!!! Which one do you like better. PLEASE let me know!! 

PicMonkey Collagebaskets

I can't make up my mind which looks nicer. HELP!!!

Enjoy your weekend!


Linking up to Liz Marie Blog



Love y'all,



  1. Hey Linda, I like the unlined baskets! However try a different arrangement, maybe put two of them together on one shelf going lengthwise. Mix it up a bit. Your WWF partner  and 1st cousin, Maureen 

  2. Hopped over from MMS linkparty….I definitely like the unlined ones better.  I REALLY like the cabinet makeover. AND, lovely family!

    • Thank you so much!! And thanks for the vote. I think you’re in the majority. Have a great Sunday! ~Linda

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