TREE WALL MURAL ~ in the girls’ room

I’ve been seeing a lot of cool tree wall murals on PINTEREST lately. Which of course made my mind race. How cool would it be to paint one on my daughters’ wall??

Here are some of my inspirations

Source :

I love the bookshelf for branches idea.


Source: Simple Shapes Wall Designs
Another shelf for branches
I love how whimsical this tree is
Wall Decals Nursery - Large cherry blossom tree with pink and soft pink blossoms - Baby Tree Wall Decals 900

The flowers blowing is very pretty

I started with one of the shelf for branch pictures and added a little of the whimsical tree then added a little bit of the pretty flower tree. This is what I got!

What do you think? Don’t look too closely because I am NOT an artist by any means. I just enjoy being able to draw on the wall!
I have the branches as shelves but I tried to be a little whimsical with the flowers and if you look real closely you can see our new pet butterflies.

I also hung the girls’ names with pretty polka dot ribbon. Here’s how I did that~

1.  I cut 5 pieces of ribbon for Ciara and 6 pieces of ribbon for Claire each 18 inches long.
     2.  I folded the first loop of the bow.
    3.  I folded the second loop of the bow.
     4.  I wrapped a tie-wrap tightly around the middle of the bow.
     5.  I put a dollop of hot glue on the tie-wrap.
     6.  I took the remaining ribbon and folded it over the hot glue and tie-wrap.
     7.  I put a dollop of glue on the back top of the letter and stuck it to the end of the ribbon.
     8.  Enjoy your beautiful artwork!
The girls absolutely love their new room!!
Tell me what you think. Have you ever drawn on the wall? It’s fun isn’t it??
I’m linking up to
Beneath My Heart linking party “Best DIY Projects  of February”
Serenity Now linking party “Weekend Bloggy Reading”
Under the Table and Dreaming “Sunday Showcase Party”
Thrifty Decor Chick “March Before and After Party”
The NY Melrose Family “Whimsy Wednesday”
Good night!
Love ya,


  1. I would say that you did an amazing job of painting:) I know I couldn’t do that and I love the shelves that you added to the tree branches with the names. How adorable:):):)

    • That is amazing…. I an so excited I want to race out and do it tomorrow lol
      Was it difficult free handing the tree?? Also did you use stencils for all the flowers??
      I absolutely love this a lot!!

  2. Ok that is amazing!!!!!!! I like your mural so much more than all the inspiration pictures you posted!! It’s GORGEOUS!!!!! And love the bedroom colors too! This looks like it’s from a magazine!!! Great job!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Linda, I’m visiting from Claire’s post over at Bless My Nest. I love your tree scene and the butterflies are a sweet touch. Going to check out some more of your blog. Come by The SweetTalk Shop and visit. I have a linking party starting this evening if you would like to link up.

    • Hey Stacie~Thank you so much for reading my blog. I’m so glad you like my tree. It was so easy to do and I’m getting so many wonderful comments about it. I’m having so much meeting so many nice ladies in blogland. I’m following your blog too! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend! ~Linda

    • Claire~Thank you so much for featuring my picture! Believe it or not, the tree mural is probably one of the easiest thing I’ve ever done and I’m getting so many sweet comments about it. Blogland is being very kind to me! I’m eating it up!~Linda

  4. WOW looks amazing.Very creative looks like something out of a magazine.I am your newest follower.Hope you will follow me back too.Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Oh my goodness…I think you can stop saying that you are “not an artist” 🙂 I found you off of Bless My Nest and had to stop by and tell you how cute this room turned out! I’m your newest follower. -Kristi @

  6. Oh my stars girl this darling bedroom is beyond fabulous. It should be in a magazine. You need to send some photos and your story out. Saw you featured at under the table and dreaming and was just blown away. You are one talented lady. And I know your little chickadees are just thrilled!!!

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