I know y’all have heard of The Pioneer Woman. I found her blog many years ago but now you can see her on Walmart commercials!!

She is a great cook who lives on a ranch with her cowboy husband and her four children.

I love reading her blog. The last post I read was The ABC’s of Thankfulness. I thought it was a great idea so I’m gonna copy her.


A to Z

A America. I’m so thankful to live in a country where I can believe what I want to believe, say what I want to say, worship how I want to worship. What a great country we live in!


B The Bible. I can find any answer to any problem in this book. God inspired men to write down exactly what He wanted us to know. WOW!!

C Caleb, Claire and Ciara. I’m so blessed to be called Mom by my kids. Caleb is kind, loving, talented, godly. I couldn’t be more proud of him. Claire has had a rough life and fighting her way back with such grit and determination. I’m in awe of her every day. Ciara is my little monkey. She drives herself to be better every day. She has a soft, tender heart and she gives the best hugs!


D A very special dog. I thought I’d never say that because I am not a dog person but this little puppy names Jules has stolen my heart. When she cuddles next to me, I feel at home.


E My sister Erin. She’s far away so we don’t get to spend a lot of time together but I know if I needed her, she’s be right there. She’s my only family and I love her!

F Friends. I have been blessed with some of the best friends. I have friends that walk with me, eat with me, shop with me, cry with me, laugh with me. I don’t know where I’d be without them.

G God. I believe he created me for a very special purpose and my goal is to figure it out and complete it. I wouldn’t be here without Him. I can’t wait to spend eternity with Him!

H My husband. My best friend, my lover, my companion, my co-worker, my confidante, my hero.


I Iced tea. With lots of sugar. And very strong! And lots of ice.

J Josh and Jacob. These two are two peas in a pod. Both are very bright, very black and white, very talented. I adore both of them.


K My kitchen. All of the family is spread out so I treasure those times when everyone is home, we’re done eating a big, yummy dinner, and we’re all sitting around the kitchen table talking about everything. My heart is full!

L Lucas (and his sweet mom!). I get the honor of seeing this sweet face almost every day while his mom does an awesome job teaching students all day. The extra blessing ~ I get to talk to his mom (my sweet friend) at the end of the day. Always puts a smile on my face 🙂


M Music. My life has always contained music. Singing in church, listening to all my kids sing and perform their numerous instruments. “Music is the prayer the heart sings.”


N Nieces and nephews. I have the best nieces and nephews! I have been blessed to watch them grow from babies to successful, beautiful, kind adults. 


O Oreos. Enough said.

P Paint. I love to paint anything and everything! Just read my blog 😉

Q Quiet Time. this ties in with my “B”. I need to be better at my quiet time but my day is so much better when I spend some time in God’s Word and in prayer just thanking Him for everything.

R Rest. I am a napper. When Lucas goes down for a nap, I’m horizontal on the couch. I need a little rest to face the busiest time of my day…when my kids come home from school.

S My Savior. I believe Jesus Christ came down to live a perfect life for 33 years to die on a cross, be buried, and rise again three days later so we can enter heaven. I’m so thankful!!

T T.J. My first born son. Twenty five of the best years of my life. Smart and kind and talented. Blessed to have him as my first.


U Ultimate Frisbee. Not only is this sport loved by all of my kids but it’s also a great family time for us. We all go out and throw the frisbee around. We travel to watch them play in weekend tournaments. Every second of it is so enjoyable (except the rain and cold!).

PicMonkey Collagejoshultimate

V Vacations. We take a fun family vacation every year or two but take a big one every three years when one of the kids graduates from high school. We all love them!


W Walking. I get to walk with a dear friend every other day or so. I look so forward to not only the walking but also the time I get to spend with my friend. 

X eXercise. Refer to “W”.

Y Y’all. I am so thankful that you come and read my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I like writing it. I send my posts into the universe and pray it touches someone. Thank you!

Z Zucchini. My favorite vegetable.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Love y’all,


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