THE HAVEN CONFERENCE ~ and a well deserved nap!!

The LOML and I got home from the Haven Conference in Atlanta at 4:00 this morning. So if this post doesn’t make any sense it’s because I’m napping while I’m typing!! As a matter of fact, it’s 1:30 in the afternoon and I’m still in my pj’s!
The Haven Conference was great!! I learned way more than my brain can handle (I took good notes to review later), stared at saw some awesome BIG bloggers (but didn’t have enough courage to go up and talk to them), and got some great ideas that I need to apply to my blog. There were a lot of awesomely experienced ladies all in one hotel!
BLOG DESIGN with Kristi from Creative Kristi
BIG BLOGS with Sarah from Thrifty Decor Chick
Rachael, Tauni, Amy, Reni, and Ashley
Sherry and Erika
After a few of these classes, I thought my brain was looking like this:
I felt like my head was going to explode there was so much information shoved into it. I’m used to explaining addition and subtraction to a seven year old. That’s more my speed!!
                                                                                            Now to apply it and improve my blog!

Thank you to all the ladies that organized the conference and taught the classes. We less experienced bloggers can learn so much from you.

I hope y’all will see an improvement in my blog as I apply everything I learned.

Thanks for visiting!

Love y’all,Linda


    • Hey Katie~It was great to meet you and John too. Love your blog! I’m on vacation after the conference because I needed to give my brain a rest. A lot of information to digest. I can’t wait to get home and use what I’ve learned!! Have a great weekend!~Linda

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