On Memorial Day weekend, we started a project I've been wanting to do since we moved into our house 13 years ago. Hiding the air conditioning unit on the side of the house makes me smile!! Well, we finally got around to it on a three-day weekend. You can read about it here.

Since the cement is dry and the posts for the fence are secure, we began attaching the horizontal boards that will hold the wood pallets up. We have two boards per side, one on top, the other at the bottom of the posts.

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We secured the boards with carriage bolts.

PicMonkey Collagenuts

If we need to get to the air conditioning unit for repairs, we can unscrew the bolts and lift a portion of the fencing off the posts. 

Next, we slipped the pallets onto the boards.


After we measured and screwed in all the boards to the posts, we painted the horizontal boards and touched up the pallets. It looked like we beat them up as we were moving and trying out each pallet.

I had a little help from Daughter #2. She put on her dress-up apron so she could look like Mom. How sweet is that??

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After the paint dried, we replaced all the pallets, secured the boards back to the post with the carriage bolts. Then we used a few nails in each pallet to secure them to the boards to prevent the pallets from swinging.



Next is landscaping!!!! It's almost as fun as accessorizing!!


Love y'all,



  1. I love this!  I can even see this as a full blown property fence. Much less expensive, with more character, than anything 'store bought'.  Thanks for sharing.

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