How was your weekend? I hope you enjoyed time with family and friends like I was blessed to be able to do.


Friday night our family went to a Durham Bulls baseball game.

PicMonkey Collagebulls

It was an exciting game and the park does a fantastic job of entertaining the crowd during slow periods of the game. From racing around the bases against Wool E. Bull to sumo wrestling. And of course my favorite, FUNNEL CAKE!!

We also got some work done on the family room built-ins.

To catch you up, this is what it looked like:


The LOML screwed the cabinets into the wall studs. I put the doors and drawers in and added the hardware. 

A few weeks ago, we went to IKEA to purchase the butcher block countertop for the desk area. 

This weekend, we sanded it and put it on top of the cabinets.


Here is the beautiful butcherblock before I got my hands on it.


Here are my sander and my safety goggles. A little side note. After we sanded the cabinets awhile ago, I broke a blood vessel in my eye that wouldn't go away. I ended up going into the opthamologist and she removed a small piece of metal from my eye. It was a simple procedure but I wouldn't want to do again. So, I'm wearing my goggles from now on!! I wore my regular glasses always but that was not enough. WEAR PROTECTIVE GOGGLES ALWAYS!!!

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We bought two 8 foot long pieces of butcherblock for the top of the cabinets which measures 16 feet. I didn't want a seam at the desk which is in the middle so we placed one piece right in the middle over the desk. The other piece we cut in half and put at each end. So the above picture is how the LOML set up to cut the piece in half.


Here's his circular saw.


And here is what it looks like so far. Doesn't it look great??!!

I filled in the seams with stainable wood putty and let it dry for about 6 hours. I sanded and had to put another coat of wood putty down. 

Tomorrow I will condition the wood and two hours later I'll put on the stain. I can't wait to see how it turns out. 



Love y'all,


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