NUTRISYSTEM ~ and the beadboard is up!!

Have I mentioned that the beadboard backsplash that we are hanging in our kitchen is…..

WELL…we’re finally done!!!
Now we’re in the process of hanging the corbels
and the trim that I’ve primed with two coats of Zinnser 1-2-3 Primer and painted with two coats of  Sherwin Williams ProClassic Interior Acrylic Latex Gloss in Extra White.


Now onto the Nutrisystem story…….
A little bit about myself (nervous cough)…
I’m 48 years old (49 in August). I have six kids (given birth to 4 of them). I’m pretty active (by no means, a marathon runner or anything like that!). And when I look in the mirror, sometimes I’m….umm…….
I’m grateful that I’m healthy and my family is healthy and I have a wonderful family and friends and a beautiful home and I could go on and on about what I thank God for every day.
BUT……I’d like to look a little better, thinner, healthier.
I’m entering into a very strange stage of life….my kids’ friends are getting MARRIED!!! Wow, what a strange thing to think. My oldest son (alias SON #1) is 21 years old. He and his friends are graduating college, entering the workforce and getting married. Does it sound young to you? It sounds very young to me!
Anywhooo, this means, I have to dress up and attend weddings.
I’ve tried to lose weight before. I’m not the most disciplined person in the world. I love chocolate! Every night, me and SON #4 each have a bowl of ice cream. It’s a bonding thing between the two of us. We eat Breyers Homemade Vanilla ice cream.
There’s two differences between he and I:
1. He weighs 90 pounds soaking wet and he’ll burn off the calories getting up and putting his bowl in the dishwasher.
2. I have 30 pounds of Hershey’s chocolate syrup on my ice cream.
Does anyone see the problem here????!!!!!
I exercise but not enough. I cut back on my intake but not enough.
SO….one night Janet Jackson spoke to me on a commercial for Nutrisystem.
I listened to her praise the system while looking great!
I ordered it. I found out it was just shipped. I’m not looking forward to this. I’ve said goodbye to my ice cream (sad face) and the bonding time with my son(sadder face). Maybe he’ll still want to be with me while I choke on whatever protein shake they’re going to make me drink (ARGHHHH!)
The summer is coming and I have to get into a pretty dress  for a wedding we’re invited to at the beach. And yes, beach means bathing suits (ARGHHHHH!). No Sillies, we’re not wearing bathing suits to the wedding but we’re staying at the beach and having a little family vacation afterwards.

Have any of you tried Nutrisystem, or any diet plan? What are your thoughts?

Thanks for stopping by!

Love y’all,Linda



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