Hello Strangers!!! I have not posted in awhile. We've been very busy with all the snow, ice, sleet, and rain we've been getting lately. And I just found out we experienced a 4.1 earthquake last night. We were completely oblivious!! Hope everyone is safe.

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The puppy had NO idea what to do with all this white stuff that was covering up his "bathroom facilities."


School has been cancelled for four days so we've been having fun just being home. We've baked, played games, watched movies and, the most exciting part, booked our next vacation!!! I'll tell you all about it later. Let me just say, I'm so excited! Now I have to get on that New Year's resolution stuff and start working some of the holiday pounds off!!


One thing I really enjoyed doing was making a picture for above the piano in our living/computer/music room. We used to have a family photo that, honestly, was not my favorite! I did like the frame though so I removed the ugly old family picture and dusted off the frame to make a neat craft I've been wanting to do for a long time. Here is the frame. I like the scroll detail.


I know I have told y'all about the musical talent in our household that amazes me every day! Just click on the link to hear just how talented my boys are 😉 .

I wanted to make something to represent the music that is played in that room.

So, the first step was to find sheet music that meant something to us. I went online and printed out hymns that I remember singing in church MANY years ago. Our present church is not as traditional as the churches I grew up in. We sing more praise and worship songs than hymns.


The second step was to crinkle the sheets up.

The third step was to flatten them back out.


Fourth step: I boiled some water, put four tea bags in and steeped for 15 minutes (it could have been longer to stain the sheets darker).


Fifth step: I placed two sheets of the music at a time in a baking pan and poured some of the tea over the sheets. I pushed the sheets down until all was under the water.  I let it sit for 5 minutes.


The sixth step I pulled the sheets out and put them on a cookie sheet. I placed them in the oven for 5 minutes at the lowest temperature (170 degrees).

The sheets were a tiny bit wet still so I let them sit out for a few more minutes.

The seventh step: I used the backing of the frame and modge podged each sheet to it overlapping and wrinkling a little to give it some character.


Eighth step: After the modge podge was completely dry (I let it dry overnight),  I stenciled a neat saying over the sheet music.

Final step: I placed the beautiful picture into the frame and hung it up above the piano.

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What do y'all think? I absolutely love it!!!

Hope you are keeping warm if you're experiencing the snow or enjoying the fact that you don't have to deal with the snow if you're in the south!


Happy Belated Valentine's Day and a shout out to the LOML…Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Linking up to Liz Marie Blog

One Project Closer

Design Dining Diapers

Making Home Base

Today's Creative Blog


The Girl Creative

DIY Showoff

Momnivore's Dilemma

Skip To My Lou

So Much Better With Age

A Stroll Through Life


Making the World Cuter

Home Stories A to Z

Carolyn's Homework

Not Just a Housewife

The New York Melrose Family

Free Pretty Things for You

Ginger Snap Crafts

Someday Crafts

Polka Dots on Parade

Lady Behind the Curtain

Seven Thirty Three

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

The Idea Room

Blissfully Ever After

I Heart Naptime




Love y'all,








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