MERRY (day after) CHRISTMAS ~ and happy birthday Jesus!

Merry (day after) Christmas to everyone! I pray your Christmas was full of God’s love along with the love of family and friends.


Our Christmas eve is always fun!

Last year, we gave one early family present….her name is Jules!


We really did well on that gift! She’s been an absolutely wonderful addition to our family.

This year each child opened one gift. 

Then we concentrated on what we believe is the real reason for Christmas. We read Luke 2 which is the story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. What a neat story of how God made everything work out exactly in his plan. A poor unmarried couple travels many miles, cannot find a room when Mary goes into labor. Then is forced to give birth to the Savior of the World in a stable along with all the animals. This doesn’t stop the shepherds from learning all about the promised Savior’s birth. I never get tired of that story.

We wrapped up our time together with some singing. If you don’t know, we have some major talent in our house. Son #1 is in a band “Love & War”. He plays the keyboards and vocals. They had their first gig last week and they were phenomenal (my opinion is unbiased because I’m the mom).

Son #2 is a trombone performance major at Appalachian State University and he, too, plays the piano and has a great voice. He is standing smacked dab in the middle with the buzz cut haircut.

Then we have Son #3 who got accepted into the North Carolina Honors Chorus this year and also performed for his Tri-M(kind of a National Honor Society for musicians) induction. 

Then we have Son #4 who is in the Mens Chorus at his high school and he did a  great job at their Christmas performance. Here he is performing in our living room for Christmas Eve. Just last year, he was singing tenor. Now he is a bass.

We had a wonderful Christmas with music, meals, movies, and a little friendly basketball game. 

We hope yours was filled will love, family, and lots of fun.

Let’s not forget the real reason for the season.

Love y’all!



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