Merry Christmas to me! It’s a Canon EOS Rebel T3 Digital camera. I’m having fun reading the directions and learning all the fun things I can do with my new toy.

My next dilemma: a camera bag that doesn’t cost me one of my children’s college educations! I did my research and I couldn’t find a bag that I was willing to pay $160 for. So I decided I’m going to make my own.

My next favorite Christmas gift: a beautiful blue (I LOVE BLUE!) purse that I’m going to transform into a new camera bag for my new camera. I found it at Pacific Sun on sale usual  price $39.50 marked down to $25!! It’s such a great Christmas! I’m all giddy with excitement for my new projects! What’s neat is I have NEVER shopped at PacSun before. Son #1 wanted to get jeans for Christmas and he’s very particular about his jeans so we had to go there. While he was looking for his pants I stumbled onto this beautiful blue baby. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!

I went to Michael’s and found this beautiful fabric to cover the padded dividers that I’m going to insert into my beautiful new purse to protect my beautiful new camera and flash.

While I was at Michael’s I also bought a roll of Poly-fil Tru Foam for the padding.

Step 1 ~ I turned the purse inside out.

Step 2 ~ I ripped the seam out of the lining to put the foam inside.

Step 3 ~ I measured the bottom panel and four side panels and cut the foam the exact same size. I placed the foam into each pocket.

Step 4 ~ LOML sewed (I so do not sew) the lining closed. Have I mentioned just how blessed I am to have this man in my life??!!

Step 5 ~ I turned the purse right side out. I put my beautiful camera and flash inside to know where to place the dividers. I cut two pieces of foam the width of the purse. I then cut two pieces of my beautiful fabric big enough to cover each piece of foam.

Step 7 ~ I covered the foam with my pretty new fabric by spraying the fabric with Loctite High Performance Spray Adhesive.

Step 9 ~ Then covered the foam and pressed down until it was stuck.

You can see the Steam-a-Seam on the two edges that I will iron closed to make the folded part stiff. That’s where I’ll put the velcro that will stick to the bag. Does that make sense?

Here are the two dividers.

Step 9 ~ I added velcro to each flap on the dividers and the opposite side of the velcro to the inside of  the bag so the dividers will stay in place.

Here’s my new beautiful camera inside my new beautiful camera bag. TADA!

What do you think? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!

Hope y’all are having a wonderful New Year so far!

Love ya,



  1. Great idea & very nice tutorial! Congrats on your new “toy!” Can’t believe I’m your first follower — yay, ME! Have you checked out Debbie @ She does a “Newbie Party” every Monday. It’s a great way make some new blog friends. Another idea is to drop the Word Verification. It doesn’t do much for security & there are many in blogland who will not visit a blog when they have to deal with the WV. Just sayin’!

  2. Dear CAS~ Thank you so much for reading and following my blog. I appreciate all your tips. I’m brand new in blogland so I have many questions. One for you~ I didn’t know I had a Word Verification. How do I get rid of it? Thanks, Linda

  3. Lucky you – I’d just love to have that camera! Could you please email me – I can’t find your contact info here. It’s for the “what I like about your blog” event going on. Thanks!

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