MASTER BEDROOM ~ all lightened up

Our master bedroom is way too big! I can’t believe I’m complaining about how BIG a bedroom is….but I have no idea how to decorate such a large room and still make it feel cozy and romantic.

Here is a before picture when we moved in:


We had the painters paint the walls a dark green to match our JC Penney comforter and curtains.
Now there’s a whole other side to this room to the right. It has my Treadclimber, the LOML’s computer desk, and entertainment center and a couch.


The stager said the room had to look brighter. So we painted it Valspar Mint Frost. What do you think?
When I put the off white JCPenney comforter back on the bed, the room looked washed out so I dug through my linen closet and put on our old guest room comforter (another JC Penney find). It added a little bit more color (I LOVE COLOR!) and it matched the walls perfectly! Still waiting for a brainstorm on a wall hanging above the bed. Any ideas?? We also took down the swing arm lamps and replaced them with a set of lamps we bought at Bed Bath and Beyond that came with three lamps ~ a floor lamp and two different size table lamps. To raise the smaller lamp, I placed some of my favorite hardback books underneath.


Our entertainment center is a Craigslist find that is from the same set as our bed. We lucked out on that one!
Now, I don’t know what the stager had against this baby. I try to use this pretty thing at least three times a week after I clear off all the stuff we hang on it. The stager said it had to go! HA! Just the thought of moving this sucker makes my back hurt.

Our comfy couch that at least one of our kids sleeps on during the weekend or when they’re out of school. We covered it with a soft SureFit slipcover. Very easy to take off and wash and put right back on.

We also painted the ceiling, replaced the brass fan with a plain white one (I’d love to put a pretty chandelier to add a little romantic feel but the LOML HAS to have a fan!), and replaced the wood drawer pulls on all the furniture with wrought iron pulls.

Other things we did to stage our room was we decluttered, removed all the personal pictures, and had the carpet stretched (we had a bunch of wrinkles).

On a side note ~
About ten years ago, my mother gave me her wedding ring. She said she wanted me to have it because when I was young, I would sit on her lap and ask to wear it. I just loved it! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

During her last visit up to NC, she gave it to me. A side note to a side note: it was September 11, 2001. I think that was why she never came to visit again. She was petrified to fly after that. Anywho, I remember putting it in my jewelry box. That’s really the last time I ever remember giving it a thought. Nice daughter, huh?

About three years later, I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. The LOML snoring away next me. The ring popped into my head. I hadn’t seen or even thought about it in years. I got out of bed and looked in my jewelry box. IT WASN’T THERE! Where could it be? I looked everywhere. I tore the house apart. I asked  all my kids, the LOML, visiting kids if anyone had seen it or been in my jewelry box. No one!

For years afterwards, every time I thought of the ring, I would get a sick feeling in my heart. How could I have lost it? What kind of daughter am I? I told my mom and she brushed it off like it didn’t matter. I think she did that to make me feel better. She was great at that!

I had dreams of giving it to one of my boys to give to his fiancee’. AAAHHHHHH!!!

Bringing the story back to the present ~ when we had the carpets stretched in our bedroom, the carpet people had to move the entertainment center. The LOML was helping them while I was downstairs.

The LOML came downstairs and his face was white as a sheet. I asked him what was wrong. He smiled and said, “Guess what we found shoved into a compartment in the back of the entertainment center?” I had no idea. He showed me two rings that he had given to me while we were dating. I didn’t even miss them. I think I told you I’m not a jewelry person! Then, with a smirk on his face, he asked, “Guess what else we found?” Still no idea. He placed my mom’s wedding ring in my hand! All I could do was cry. I had prayed for ten years that God would show me where I put it or what happened to it. Well, as usual, He answered prayer. The LOML said that only a tiny hand could have fit behind the entertainment center to put anything back there so I’m guessing it was a little person playing with all the sparkly things in my jewelry box.

I just love that story!!

Well, now that we’ve decided not to move, I want to add some beautiful details and personal touches back into our bedroom. Hope you come back to see!

Thanks for reading my ramblings. I really like sharing the neat things that happen along our journey and I’d love to hear your stories. Please share!

Love ya,



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