LABOR ON LABOR DAY WEEKEND ~ is it punishment?

Guess what my family is doing this weekend??
YUP!! The dreaded job of
Growing up in the crazy family that I grew up in, whenever we did something dumb or disobedient we were sent outside to weed. And I understand exactly why it would be a disciplinary strategy.
I absolutely hated weeding, mowing, trimming and whatever else my father would find for us to do. This is why I tried my best not to get caught doing the bad thing. It sadly did not stop me from doing the said bad thing!
Now that I’m the parent, I’m trying to show my kids that yard work is just a part of life….not a punishment. They’re not looking at it that way at all.
Our yard is not that big…about a 1/3 of an acre with mostly grass with a few trees.
Last summer, we did the big “tilling the whole yard and planting new seed” thing. You can read about it here.
Today, our yard is just crying for a little attention.
We have weeds throughout our lawn. Sadly, it’s the only thing that’s green!
Our bushes are overgrown.
Our plants need to be replaced because they died from lack of attention from you-know-who. (Who me?)
Now, I didn’t kill everything. There are little glimmers of hope sprinkled around the yard of life breaking through the abuse of ME!
My kids were great ~ weeding, trimming, picking up sticks, sweeping, blowing, mowing, edging, weed whacking, getting water for Daddy with not much complaining. I’m so blessed!
  When all is said and done I hope my kids learn that yard work is just a thing you have to do and the beautiful outcome is worth all the sweat. And it’s another excuse to be with family.
I know there are people out there that LOVE yard work. Kudos to you because right now my muscles are sore, I’m sunburned, and my legs and back are going to be sore tomorrow from all the squatting and bending. Even though I don’t fully enjoy the work, it is worth it for the outcome ~ a beautiful yard! It’s like my attitude toward housework. I don’t look forward to doing it but boy, do I love a clean house!!

We finished about the half the yard. Tomorrow will be the second half. We’ll run to Lowes and pick up some pretty flowers.

I’ll share the “After” of our yard when it’s completed (hopefully tomorrow) so we can enjoy a little relaxation on the holiday.

What are y’all doing for the holiday weekend?

Love y’all,Linda


  1. We are doing SOCCER! And some homework after the tournament is over. Thanks for sharing yur pictures! It’s fun to see where you live. I like your approach….it’s just something that has to be done. :). But I do kill plants too. My mom is so mortified! Love your blog. :). Nancy

    • Nancy~My mom was great at loving her plants and she hated that I ignored them. It’s just not my gift! Thank you for reading. Please come back and visit any time! I’m going to post the after pictures of the yard once we’re done, hopefully today. Enjoy your weekend! ~Linda

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