KITCHEN ACCESSORIES ~ the fun part of decorating

We’re coming down to the wire with our kitchen redo. I’m working on all the accessories. This is always the fun part of redo for me. Shopping for ideas and then copying with cheaper supplies.
Right now, I’m working on the lamp for the desk.
Here’s the before and after. As the light sat on the counter, it looked bare to me. So yesterday while I was walking around in WalMart I found this cute ribbon.
So I hot glued this pretty ribbon to the boring white lampshade and voila
I love to use what I already have, change it a little bit and use it in a brand new space with brand new beauty.
I love flowers, so the LOML buys me flowers for special occasions. I love them!!!
Like these he got me for Mother’s Day!
Aren’t they beautiful? It puts a huge smile on my face every time I walk into the kitchen! All the cards are made by the kids. Touches my heart!! Notice the lenses they got me for my camera. New stuff to learn all the time. Can’t wait to use them all!
Because I get flowers, I have MANY, MANY, MANY flower vases. They take up a lot of space but I just can’t get rid of them. So…..I think I’ll paint them to match my new kitchen.
Son #4 sprayed three of them with one coat of green then the skies opened up here in North Carolina and have not closed in days! My lawn has never looked better!
After two coats of green, then two coats of polyurethane, they will be shiny and beautiful! I was thinking of painting three of the vases white, and leaving two of them clear. A little contrast is always a good thing. Thinking of putting them above the cabinets in little clusters of accessories (plants, pictures, vases, candles). Makes my heart go pitter patter!!!
I hope all of you have had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I hope y’all have felt appreciated and loved and your love tank has been filled for another year.
I’m leaving you with a quote from one of my favorite books:
“You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”
Aibileen Clark from “The Help”
Love y’all,Linda

1 Comment

  1. Kitchen accessories come in all different colours so you can mix and match them or colour coordinate them. Pink kitchen accessories are especially fun and you can get cheap pink kitchen accessories new or second hand if you know where to look in all different shades and patterns.

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