As I told you in my last post, our family decorates early so we can celebrate Christmas during a Thanksgiving visit from out of town family. For the next month after they leave, I continue decorating, and decorating, and decorating!!

Here’s some fun stuff I’ve been working on:

One of our favorite family traditions is on Christmas eve, we act out Luke 2 (Jesus’ birth) with our Precious Moments figurines. We then sing Christmas songs together. All those piano lessons, trumpet lessons, trombone lessons, and saxophone lessons all pay off on this night! 
A friend posted this beautiful picture with an even more beautiful message on Facebook. I printed a copy and framed it.
The most important reason we celebrate Christmas ~ Baby Jesus!!
I love me some red!! Outside the temperature is 70. There’s something wrong with this picture!

Because we don’t have a mantel  (we have a television above our fireplace), we ad libbed with our half wall between the family room and kitchen.

I wrapped  regular pictures that I had hanging on the wall as 
presents. I stole the idea after a breakfast date at IHOP!!

My “No Mantel” fireplace. (sad face) Notice Tony DiNozzo from NCIS on the television. I have a secret crush on him!! YUM!

On a trip to AC Moore, I found this beautiful blue bow in a bin. I just had to have it for my blue dining room! Isn’t it just beautiful??
My Son #4 painted a regular green wreath we had “hanging around”. Then I attached everything I could find that was blue and silver. Blue and silver bead chains, silver ornaments, and my new beautiful blue bow. I think I’m in love!

My next project…..

I found this baby sitting all alone on a bottom shelf at AC Moore. It looked so sad I had to just grab it up. My plans are to make it a “Family Tree” tree. I want to paint it white (like the blue wreath in the dining room), make ornaments that I found a tutorial for here. I want to glue black and white pictures of grandparents, parents, and our family inside the ornaments. What do y’all think? I’m excited to start. I’ll share pictures when I’m done.

Love ya,


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