INSPIRING WORDS ~ Where shall we hang them?


As my children grow up and move away, I treasure each and every moment we have as a family more and more. I never thought I could but I look even more forward to family time. I guess I took for granted weekends and holidays and even teacher workdays.  Now that I'm getting ready for my third child to go away to college, I'm getting more and more selfish with our family time together.


When I saw this saying on Pinterest, I had to have it hang in my kitchen.


dining room 


I love beautiful sayings. I have a whole board on Pinterest for all the neat, funny, or just plain deep sayings that touch me. Visit my board when you get a chance.

 I fell in love with this picture. BUT….it costs $125. I don't think so!!!


So I made my own. I changed it up a bit to fit me and my kitchen.

I found a piece of old beadboard paneling laying around in the garage from our kitchen project and guest bathroom project. The LOML cut it down to size for me.  I painted it with white Valspar trim paint, two coats.

I wrote the saying "almost" like the inspiration with black paint pens I bought at AC Moore.

The LOML cut picture frame molding to trim out the picture. I also painted that with two coats of white trim paint. I then glued the trim to the picture with Elmer's Wood Glue.

I clamped each of the four sides and let it sit overnight.


The next day, I hung it above the pantry door.

PicMonkey Collagebless

What do you think?? 

I like it! Every time I go into my kitchen, I look up and am reminded to thank God for every moment, every blessing, every smile, every hug. I love my family!!


Enjoy the short week all you lovelies!


Love y'all,





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