I just registered the LOML and myself  for The Haven Conference!! I’m so excited! Imagine a roomful of beautiful, talented, creative, and fun blogging women (and men) talking about what they love to do ~ blog, decorate, diy, crafting. It can’t get much better than that.

Haven Maven

This May will be our 25th wedding anniversary. I’ve known the LOML (my best friend) for almost 30 years. WOW! We reserved a beautiful room at a bed & breakfast on the beach with the anniversary package of champagne, roses, and chocolate. Just imagine how romantic it would be.

Last night, the LOML and I are sitting on the couch watching television. My computer is on my lap and I’m reading all the tweets during The Haven Conference twitter hour. Thousands of comments about every subject you could think of from power tools to the meet and greet (that’s not a meet and greet WITH power tools!). My heart was racing as I felt all the excitement these women were feeling as they were tweeting.

I’ve been praying for months ~ ever since I first heard about The Haven Conference. I’m a brand new blogger and need someone to share their experience and knowledge with me.  I’m not the most comfortable person with strangers so the thought of going by myself and standing in a conference room with hundreds of complete strangers terrified me!! So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed.

As we’re sitting on the couch last night, the LOML volunteered to go with me. That’s paying for TWO tickets and leaving all the kids for three days. Out of my comfort zone. So….we cancelled our anniversary get-away reservations at the beach and….

Have I mentioned I’m married to the most wonderful man in the world?? I know, some of you are probably saying “No way!” but I’m telling you “HE IS THE BEST!”
He helps me with my projects, he figures out all this blog stuff, and he cancels a beautiful anniversary vacation to make me happy. WOW!!


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