HOME SWEET HOME ~ welcome to the Louies!

I want something welcoming and charming in my freshly painted foyer. I want it to be colorful and clever. Am I asking too much?
I found this adorable idea for stacked planters at the Diggers List Blog. Here is a picture but if you’d like to know how they did it just click the link.
Isn’t it cute?? The only problem….they must have a green thumb because I’m thinkin’ those plants ain’t fake! My version will have fake flowers. Just call me “The Black Thumb”!
I’m almost finished painting the Goodwill table white
I found two large planters in the garage that I cleaned…they were filled with REAL flowers at one point but they didn’t make it! While we’re on the subject, the planters are from Lowe’s. They have these planters that they have already filled with beautiful flowers for the plant illiterate (LIKE ME!). I just change them out every season. I pull the planter that is full of the dead plants and flowers (yes, they are ALWAYS dead! Sad face
 🙁 ) out and put the new ones in.
Now it’s a brand new beautiful planter filled with colorful, very perky flowers! Oh if they only knew what was in store for them at my house. It’s doomsday!
These are the perky flowers before I euthenasia them!
 Aren’t they BEE-UU-TIFUL?
Just wait!!!! MMWAHAHA!!

I am spray painting the planters black. Then I want to place one on each side of the front door. I’m going to stencil “Home Sweet Home” on one of them and “Welcome to the Louies” on the other.




Notice I didn’t get to finish the spray painting. I ran out of black paint.

SO…I’m off to Lowe’s for spray paint and two medium and two small planters to make the stacked planters. Then to AC Moore for fake ivy and pretty flowers (fake of course!).

What are y’all up to today?

Love y’all,

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