HELLO NEW LEATHER OTTOMAN ~ and goodbye old coffee table

We bought the green and wood coffee table that we have in our family room ten years ago off of Craigslist for $25. It was in pretty good condition at the time. Sadly, it has seen better days! It’s also pretty small and we LIVE in our family room so the table is used for meals, resting our feet, holding everything!

Recently, we splurged on a large leather ottoman from Walmart for $139 to replace our sad coffee table. It has four compartments for storage(or hiding all the girls’ toys). It can be easily wiped down when spilled upon, comfy for feet, and can be used for extra seating.

One negative ~ everything in the room is a solid color. The couch is solid eggplant. The ottoman solid brown. The walls solid green. I needed some texture so I found a great tutorial on covering the top of the ottoman with fabric. You can find it here.

I found a wonderful fabric at Joann’s Fabrics that tied the eggplant from the couch with the green of the walls.

Our second negative ~ the LOML hates tufts and if you look at the picture closely, the leather is tufted. How to hide the tufts? While I was at Joann’s, I looked for batting to layer over the tufts to smooth the top before covering it. We tried it but it looked awful. You could see every wrinkle of the batting (which is a lot!) through the fabric. What else could I use?? I remembered we had an old eggcrate mattress from son #1’s dorm room living. We cut it into four squares, sprayed with spray adhesive and stuck it to the leather. It worked great!

We then sprayed the eggcrate foam with spray adhesive and placed it on top of a square piece of our beautiful fabric.

After using our trusty staple gun a zillion times to staple the fabric to the back of the squares, we had ourselves an ottoman with a little personality!

And the finished product (drum roll)………..TADA!!!!

You can see how the green matches the wall color and the stripes match the eggplant couch. I JUST LOVE IT!! The males in the house aren’t sold on it yet. Oh well!

My next project ~ covering my old throw pillows with the remaining fabric from the ottoman. I SO DO NOT SEW! We’ll see how this goes!
Tell me what you think. God bless!
Love ya,

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