I just made my first trip to Hobby Lobby. I’ve heard about the store but because there isn’t one near me, I had never been.
A dear friend of mine suggested we go to Burlington to visit the Hobby Lobby. It’s about an hour drive (45 minutes if I’m driving…Just call me Danica Patrick. {I WISH!} ).

Well, we went yesterday. And I’m pretty sure there will be a Hobby Lobby in Heaven.


I just walked around in awe of every sparkly, pretty, antiqued piece of goodness. And that was before we walked into the store. Just the lobby was full of beautifulness!!
First, we looked at the Halloween/Fall decorations but when I saw the Christmas glitter and sparklies, I was in love. I really wanted a Christmas scene of some kind in front of my fireplace. Look, what I found:

Some other Christmas wonderfulness

I want to add lights to these nesting gifts(there’s two more presents inside) and add it to a Christmas tree scene I have outside.

This will be our Elf on a Shelf. We’ve never done this but I’m looking forward to coming up with fun places to hide him!

Onto the rest of the wonderful store:
 I am moving Daughter #2 into her own room soon. I’m all excited about how she wants it decorated. When I first asked her, she said “Mom, I want teal walls.” Mom thought “COOL!” Then she says, “How about if we decorate with Phineas and Ferb?”
I think my tone of voice and the scrunched up face I made quickly changed her mind.
Then she suggested “How about peacocks?’ Now, I did not influence her on this one. She absolutely loves peacocks. Guess what she’s going to be for Halloween. You got it…a beautiful teal peacock.
I had no idea how I was going to decorate her new room with peacocks but Hobby Lobby did!! There were peacocks everywhere. And guess what color they were. You guessed it right!TEAL!!I wish I would have brought my camera to show you. There really were peacocks EVERYWHERE I looked!!

My brain is racing thinking of  all the fun we’re going to have decorating her new room. I can’t wait!!

Hobby Lobby also had lots of signs. I LOVE SIGNS!!! I found these two beauties.

I want to hang this sweet message above the pantry door BUT first I want to paint the letters the same green as the pantry door (apple green). You can read about my green door here.

I always love this saying everywhere I see it. I’m going to hang it in the bonus room above the school picture wall here.

The most important part of my shopping day was


Have y’all been to Hobby Lobby? Am I the last one to know what a wonderful place it is?

Hope ya’ll are enjoying your weekend!

Love y’all,



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