I've been to quite a few graduations in my day. They are full of anxiety and excitement, family and friends, 'Pomp and Circumstance' and lots and lots of caps and gowns.

This year Son #3 is graduating from high school. 

Why is it that his first day of kindergarten is so clear in my head?


(No he did not wear a tuxedo on the first day of school. It is just one of my faves!!)

It was like yesterday. I worried about him being able to sit still and concentrate and behave. Now, I'm worrying about basically the same things as he goes off to college. I prayed for him then, I pray for him every day and I will continue to pray for him as he blazes his own trail. 

Why does it have to fly by so quickly? I want to hold on to him with both hands yet I want to watch him run free to watch and see if he's paid attention to the many lessons his dad and I have taught him the last 18 years.

His dad and I are so proud of the man he has become. He is both a left and right brain guy. He loves sports (football, soccer, basketball, ultimate frisbee) and he's also a very talented musician. He plays piano, saxophone, and he has an amazing voice. He's going off to college in the mountains of NC to study the whole music industry process from recording to production and everything in between.


Our prayer for our college bound son:

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

We will treasure the summer with him before he goes away. We will miss him terribly but we know he will do great things!!

Love you Tigger!!


Love y'all,


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