GOOD WILL FINDS ~ break out the paint!

We had to drop Daughter #2 off at a birthday party this afternoon so we had two hours to waste before going and picking her back up so….
… to Goodwill we went!
I am not normally a Goodwill kind of girl…I know, snobby right? I don’t have the patience to rustle through bins of clothes and I don’t know where they’ve been. I know…. I’m a snob!!
BUT….we walked through anyways because many of you have shared stories of great finds so I walked slowly through (not touching anything!).
The people at the two Goodwills we stop at were so kind and friendly. It was a pretty good experience.
AND….look what I found for $9.99
It’s a little scuffed up but I love the details
After painting the staircase and front door, I’ve been wanting to put a plant stand (or something) in each corner of the front foyer flanking the front door.
So my plans so far are to paint the table either white or black (I just can’t decide!), then find another table similar to this one for the other side.
Then I saw this great inspiration planter from Tip Junkie.
Aren’t they adorable?? I’ll probably use fake plants because I have a VERY BLACK thumb! I’m thinking of an ivy plant that hangs down over the table then add a little color with silk flowers for whatever the season is.I’ll share the table when I’m all done. We’re also sanding and painting the kitchen table to match the island (hopefully!!) tomorrow. It will look sort of like this but on a bigger scale.

re-stained and spray painted side tables
Source: Censational Girl

What are your plans for the rest of the weekend?

Love y’all,


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