

A couple of days ago, my sweet daughter and I and our puppy took a long walk. It was a beautiful sunny day. We wore light jackets and ended up taking them off and wrapping them around our waists because it was so warm.


What a beautiful day!! The birds were singing, the crickets were chirping, the neighbors were all outside. It was a wonderful afternoon.

Yesterday, my kids were released early from school because sleet, snow and freezing rain were in the forecast. 


The gray clouds rolled in quickly and the temperature plummeted from 60's to 20's. It was pretty eerie. 


I was thankful my family was home safe and sound. The fireplace was ablaze, blankets were plentiful and we watched a movie as the sleet pinged against the windows. 


I couldn't help but think of a saying I saw recently,



I think we all have trouble seeing the BIG picture. With the weather, we see the dark looming clouds, feel the bone-chilling cold air, the sleet hitting our faces, houses, and car windows. We don't see the majesty that God displays with each snowflake (or sleet in this case). In life, we see the pain, embarassment, failure, or not getting what we want. We're too wrapped up in our own experiences, trials, sin. We find it hard to see God's hand in our pain when in reality, pain is a growth process. We'll never be able to see the big picture until God shows us when we get to heaven.

Seeing the big picture is God's job, not ours.

Every time I've gone through a tough time in my life (and I've had a few), I've noticed that everyone has an opinion about how to handle it or why I'm facing the trial. I'm guilty of "helping", too. I think it's natural to feel like we have to have all the answers. But if you've ever read the book of Job, you can see in Chapter 2 that Job's friends' words were hurtful, ignorant, and downright wrong. Not to say that their intentions are wrong. People want to help but instead of concentrating on "Why" it's happening, we should concentrate on "What" God is trying to teach us. 


In every situation in my life, I can see something God is working on in me.  If I'm facing a trial myself or seeing a friend go through trials, I need to be still and listen to the quiet voice of the One who loves me with an unconditional love. He either wants me to become strong or become weak so I can rely on His strength. 

The storm yesterday was scary and beautiful and it showed me God's awesome power. 

My trials are sometimes scary and beautiful and also show me God's awesome power. 

If you're facing a difficult time in your life, look up to your Heavenly Father and He will give you peace. You may not get the answer you need but He will always be there to help you through it, comfort you, and love you unconditionally.



Love y'all,




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