We’ve lived in our present home for about 16 years now and we have been struggling with the same problem forever.

We have a fiberglass basin in our master shower and we have tried everything to keep it clean and nothing has worked.

So I did a little research and tried a bunch of different cleansers and here’s what I came up with.

Here’s the before (please don’t judge!).

We’ve tried orange cleaner, bleach, vinegar, soft scrub,

Then I found a recipe that consisted of a mixture of 1:1 vinegar and water and baking soda. I mixed it in a spray bottle.

I sprinkled the baking soda on the whole stain, sprayed it with the vinegar mixture and let it soak for a few hours.

I then got a brush and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. The baking soda was turning a little gray but the stain was not budging. I continued scrubbing until I just couldn’t do it anymore. NOTHING!! I think I screamed and left the bathroom very frustrated.

About 8 hours later, the LOML and I were getting ready for bed and I shared my frustration about the dirty basin to him. He went to look at it. He scraped it with his fingernail. He said it was coming up. He got the scrub brush and started scrubbing. It started coming up. He ended up doing about a fourth of the basin. It looked great! There was hope!

The next day I soaked it again except a little longer this time. We ran out of baking soda so I used BonAmi instead just for the grit factor. I soaked it for about 12 hours this time. When the LOML got home from work, he volunteered to scrub the rest of the basin. He said it came up easier than the day before. And this is the end result!

WOW!!! The first time in sixteen years, our shower basin floor looks brand new! We love it! And now we know the secret to cleaning it.

Now a little before & after!

Thanks for reading!

Love y’all,


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