EASTER ~ special celebrations

Easter is a very important time for our family. This special day signifies just how much God loves us. 

Christmas is when the story of Jesus' life begins and Easter is the climax of God's promise of salvation for us all. 

After Jesus lived a perfect 33 years on earth, people, who were threatened by his words of love and salvation, crucified him.


After his death on Good Friday, he was placed in a tomb.

PRAISE GOD!! Three days later, he was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of his (and our) Heavenly Father.

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I love making Easter Sunday a special time for our family so we can remember this wonderful gift of God's son. We are so thankful for the gift of eternity in heaven with Him. 

What Easter weekend usually looks like in our home

1) We always go to church. We all dress up in our Sunday best for the special day. Everyone looks great!


2) We have a special meal with brown sugar ham, shrimp fried rice, pineapple stuffing, corn, green bean casserole, rolls and, for dessert, banana pudding. YUM!! (I'll add the recipes to my recipe page as soon as I can!)


3) Easter egg hunt.

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4) A good movie or family game night. One year we watched "The Passion of the Christ" and I spent most of it crying, hiding under a blanket. I hate violence and what the soldiers did to Jesus is unbearable to me.

From my family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!!


Love y'all,


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