I could really get used to making dinner in the morning and not worrying about it for another 8 hours!! Why didn’t I do this sooner??
I have made two dinners so far.
My family’s vote was a 3 out of 5 stars. The chicken was a little dry. I cooked it on low for 6 hours. Next time I’ll try 4 hours. It was very flavorful and the gravy was yummy.
This is an old favorite of the family. Five stars out of five. A wonderful friend made these crock pot meatballs for us and people were fighting over them they were so good! Click on the link for the recipe. I serve them over egg noodles. YUMMY!!
I’m having fun trying new recipes with this contraption called a crock pot. I always thought it was just a really large wedding gift that took up a lot of space in my pantry. Now IT’S MY FRIEND!!
Do y’all use your crock pot? Please share your favorite recipes!!
Love y’all,Linda


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