Category: Uncategorized


INCENTIVE ~ and a lot of pressure!

Does anyone else out there put too much pressure on themselves?! Or is it just me? For example, whenever we have company coming to stay over, I ALWAYS have to do something to the house…be it painting, hanging new pictures, fixing broken tiles in a bathroom, or redoing the landscaping outside. PLEASE tell me I’m […]



Yesterday I wrote about this cool kit from Rev-a-Shelf. It came in the mail today. Have I mentioned I LOVE my UPS man! I get excited every time I see that big brown truck in my neighborhood! Back on subject….our garbage cans will be IN the cabinet instead of OUTSIDE at the end of the […]



I just registered the LOML and myself  for The Haven Conference!! I’m so excited! Imagine a roomful of beautiful, talented, creative, and fun blogging women (and men) talking about what they love to do ~ blog, decorate, diy, crafting. It can’t get much better than that. This May will be our 25th wedding anniversary. I’ve known […]


KITCHEN VISION ~ and let’s get to work!

Since we decided that now is not a good time to sell our house and move, I’ve been envisioning projects around the house. On my “Sad News ~ Let’s decorate” entry, one of my goals is to redo our kitchen. Nothing major, just a whole lot of little painting, changing the counters and backsplash. I’ve been […]


WORD FOR 2012 ~ I may need some HELP!

I just read Traci from Beneath My Heart‘s recent post about Layla’s The Lettered Cottage “Word of the Year” linking party. She’s challenging us to pick a special word that will resonate, resound, remind, and represent our life all year long. This got my little brain ticking extra fast. Our family has had the tradition of writing down […]


SAD NEWS….Let’s decorate!

When I started this blog, my intention was to journal all the work we’ve done on our house from beginning (when we moved in), to the middle (living here), and the end (staging the house to sell). The economy being what it is, we probably are not going to get the price we want for […]



ORGANIZING A DISORGANIZED WORLD! People always ask me how I keep track of my life with six kids running around. I’m not sure if you care but I’ll share a few of my tips anyways. I go through stages of organization. When I’m feeling like I’m drowning in all the school work that comes home […]