Category: mums

accessorizing, apple green, apple green accents, bedroom redo, decorate, decorating, family room, mantel, Master Bedroom, mums, pumpkins, scarecrow, Target


I’m lovin’ the cool brisk air and the pretty leaves fallin’ here in North Carolina! Autumn is one of my favorite seasons….it’s a competition between it and spring. One is like a cleansing ~ everything is going to sleep for the winter and the other is the promise of a fresh new beginning. Here’s a […]

curtain rods, curtains, decorate, decorating, dining room centerpiece, family room, halloween decorations, Hobby Lobby, mums, planters, pumpkins, scarecrow

FALL DECORATIONS ~ and finishing up the family room!

A little trip to Hobby Lobby got me all excited to get out my fall decorations. While I was spreading my fall cheer around the house, we were also finishing up some small projects in the family room. I’m excited to show you both. THE MANTEL Notice the beautiful purple peacock candle I bought from […]