This past weekend was full of fun and sweet memories! 

I don't know if I've told y'all but Son #3 is a Senior in high school and his year is coming to an end. 



I'm not new at this emotional ride. I've been through it twice but that doesn't mean it gets any easier or that I have figured out the perfect solutions to all the tension, emotion and craziness that the last year of high school brings.

With each of my high school graduates, the Senior year starts out with the thought process that everything your child does this year will be the LAST ~ last first day of school, last band competition, last prom, last graduation, last track meet, last Ultimate Frisbee tournament, last final, last lunch for the friends, and it goes on and on. It's a very emotional time.

People would tell me, "But you have three more kids to go through!" That doesn't matter. This is the LAST for a very special person who I've watched grow up for the last eighteen years and my job is almost finished. AHHHHHH!

Last weekend was Son #3's Senior prom. He looked so handsome and his girlfriend looked absolutely beautiful! As a parent, you burst with pride at the young adults they have become. And they clean up so well!!!

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Don't they look great!!??

This weekend was the last Ultimate Frisbee Tournament for Son #3. 

We had the team over for lots of pasta and bread (Carb Load), and they had a team bonding time of shaving each other's hair into mohawks!!

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Here are both of our sons. Son #4 is the only freshman on the team so his teammates thought to torture him with a bizarre mohawk of a trail down the middle.

The next two days consisted of 7 frisbee games, lots of stretching, bananas and oranges, water and gatorade, and bunches of cheering for the Cougars!! 

I pray for all you parents out there that are going through the roller coaster ride of a graduate. I pray for peace, wisdom, patience and strength to get through this wonderful, difficult, emotional time. Enjoy every minute!!


Love y'all,


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