BATHROOM UPDATE ~ one day down, one to go!

The bathroom we’re working on is the only bathroom on the first floor. It’s used as the guest bathroom PLUS Son #3’s bathroom since he moved into his new room.
We’ve told Son #3 that because this is his bathroom now and anyone who comes into our house will use that bathroom, he needs to keep it clean.
So, I’m trying to organize the room so it will be easy to keep up with.Here’s the bathroom when we started. WARNING: I did nothing before taking these pictures. I’m an open book here. Please don’t judge!!

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Now it may not look too bad but let me show you this:


This is from a leak we had from the second floor bathroom right above this one. Gross I know! And there’s more than this. I’m just refusing to be that open with y’all!!We took our weekly trip to Lowe’s Home Improvement and bought:

1) Beadboard paneling
2) Trim (for wall paneling and mirror)
3) Paint for cabinetry
4) Hardware for cabinetry
5) Crystal door knobs for towel rack (you’ll have to see to believe)
6) Metallic silver spray paint

We came home from our shopping spree and emptied out the bathroom. I filled holes, cleaned walls, and Son #4 painted the trim white.

We took down the mirror to remove the plastic brackets and replace them with washers so the mirror will lay flush against the wall. It will be easier to trim the mirror out that way.

Tomorrow, we’re going to put two more coats of paint on all the trim and start hanging.

Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!

Love y’all,


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