ANOTHER DAY IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM ~ not doing laundry!


I just read a post by one of my favorite bloggers and she wrote about spending her weekend, "The Best Weekend EVER", with her husband and four boys camping. As I read her story, I couldn't help but reminisce about when my boys were her boys' ages. Her boys are about ten years younger than mine. I couldn't help but realize how fast time flies by!! 

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This weekend my two college boys were home and my oldest came over to stay so the whole clan was together again which always makes my heart full!

While everyone was home we got a little work done in the laundry room. I finished painting the cabinets that will go above the washer and dryer and I have some handsome men home from school and work to help hang those babies!




The LOML found the studs in the wall and we used 2 1/2" drywall screws to attach them to the wall. We used two in each cabinet ~ one on the top and one on the bottom. 

Next, we added a little bling for the cabinet pulls. I found these Michael Aram door pulls for $7.95 each at Cabinet Knobs and More. Pricey I know!! But I love them!

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Aren't they adorable!!!

We then added the hinges back to the doors and attached them to the cabinets. 

Here's how the laundry room looks so far.

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The laundry room makeover is coming along nicely!! 

Next on the agenda is to add a little molding around the tops of the cabinets and then we'll continue the molding all the way around the room to add a little class. I may just enjoy doing laundry in this room when we're done 😉


Love y'all,



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