ALOHA FROM MAUI ~ and aloha to Maui :(

We are so sad to be ending our family vacation to Maui. We have enjoyed every minute!

We had to check out of the Noelani Condominium Resort by 11:00. The kids really wanted to go snorkeling one more time so while they headed to the beach, the LOML and I finished the laundry and packing and cleaning up the condo. I think we got the short end of that stick!!

The beach goers took showers, finished packing, and tried to eat all the leftover food we had from the week. We filled up 4 garbage bags of junk and we were off.


The LOML insisted on taking one more picture before we left. He knew I was sad. I'm wearing one of the dresses I bought the night before. It was great to travel in, very comfortable.

Our US Airways flight was to leave at 9:15pm. What could we do for 10 hours??

The first thing we did was go to The Whalers Village Museum. We learned lots about whales and got to watch a very informative whale movie. We saw a lot of artifacts owned by Maui whalers. We read pages from journals written by the whalers. It was very cool!

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We still had a few hours to kill. From the back of the van some suggestions were being yelled. 

"A movie"

"Let's eat again"

A movie won out. And guess which one…."How to Train Your Dragon 2".

How to Train Dragon 2 Poster

There was a movie theater right next to the airport so we saw the movie (which was very good by the way. I cried!) then headed to the airport.

The family was all scattered through the plane. We didn't get to sit together. I was a little anxious about the girls sitting alone but at least I could see them from where I was sitting. We had short layovers in Phoenix and Charlotte and we got to watch "The Lego Movie" AGAIN and 11 hours later we were home. 


What a wonderful week we had in Maui. We're so glad we bit the bullet and went. 

Thank you for coming with us on our journey (sort of) and I hope I wet your appetite for some travel. 


Love y'all,


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