A PROJECT ON THE FLY! ~for our new laundry room

Are you like this? Before you begin renovating a room, a thousand ideas race through your mind for weeks (if not months) sometimes keeping you awake at night?

ME, TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before we began on the laundry room, I searched my favorite blogs, Pinterest, google and so on for great ideas.

Today, I got a brainstorm! I bought a vinyl saying from Mice and Mugs…..TWO YEARS AGO! TALK ABOUT PLANNING AHEAD!


The sign I bought is a little smaller than the example above. I was planning on sticking it right on the wall like I did for my foyer sign.

While I was browsing Pinterest this morning as I drank my morning tea and ate my bagel, I saw a DIY laundry room sign.

BAM !!

"I can do that!" I said to myself out loud and probably sounded crazy to anyone listening.

So I dug through all the leftover wood pieces we store in the garage for a piece that would fit the vinyl words. My first thought was to paint the whole board white, then adhere the letters, paint the whole board black, peel the letters off, and I'd have a white on black saying. I did this same technique at Ms. Tracey's office.

PicMonkey Collagetsoffice

And with my DVD basket labels.

PicMonkey Collagelabels2

But when I painted the board with KILZ primer, I liked the look of the white wash texture. Then I added the letters and I liked the black on white (and so did the rest of the family … I took a vote) so this is what I ended up with.


Can't wait to hang it up in the finished laundry room!!!


Love y'all,





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