A NEW SEWING MACHINE ~ now who’s gonna teach me to sew?

The title of this post is NOT a joke!

I have no idea how to use a sewing machine. I vaguely remember taking Home Ec. in seventh grade about a hundred years ago!! When I was playing with my new toy, memories came back of some of the things I learned…..but not many!

For my first sewing project, I want to cover the pillows that are on my family room couch that are so worn, the stuffing is falling out of one of them.  Now, I usually use Stitch Witchery for this kind of project ( like this )but…..

I got bold and daring!!

I looked on Craigslist for sewing machines. I found one in my town that was NEVER used. It's a Brothers LS2125l and I got it for $50.

I'd say I'm having fun learning all about this baby but my ADD brain wants to move on already! I'm watching youtube videos on how to use it. I can't get the needle to come back up after it goes down into the bobbin. So Son #1 who has the patience of a saint (he must have inherited that trait from his dad :)) spent a few minutes figuring out what I was doing wrong. He's so good!

Now that I've gotten it to semi-work (the needle still gets stuck every once in awhile and I have to pull the bobbin out and rethread the machine), this is what I've been up to.

PicMonkey Collagepillow


 Here are the steps I followed.

STEP ONE:  I measured the pillows. They are 17×17 inches.

IMG_8580 IMG_8581

I added 1/2 inch for the seam on the sides of the pillow. I'm doing an envelope style so I doubled and added 6 inches for the front, back and flap.


The dimensions of the piece of material is 17 1/2 x 40 inches.

STEP TWO: I cut the material. I'm using the same material I used to cover these lamps. You can read about them here.

PicMonkey Collagelamps

STEP THREE: I ironed a seam on each short end to make sewing the seam easier.


STEP FOUR: I sewed each seam. 

STEP FIVE: I folded the seam over again and ironed.

STEP SIX: I sewed the seams again. These will be the seams for the flap on the back of the pillows.


STEP SEVEN: I pinned the long sides of the material while inside out.


STEP EIGHT: I sewed both sides. I doubled stitched over the flaps in the back.


STEP NINE: I turned the pillow cover right side out and slipped the old, ugly well-worn pillows into the beautiful new pillow covers and

(Drum Roll Please……) TA DA!

PicMonkey Collagepillow


I'm pretty proud of my first sewing endeavor. What do you think? Any ideas why my sewing machine needle gets stuck every once in awhile? I'll take any advice!!

Hope y'all enjoyed your long Memorial Day Weekend. So thankful to all the men and women who have sacrificed so much for this great country we are blessed to live in!


Love y'all,



1 Comment

  1. Linda, you did a great job!  I love to sew but working so much i just can't find much time these days to do it (and i have several sewing projects waiting for me, including some throw pillows). you got a great deal on your machine!  not sure why the needle is sticking but you can check a few things:  make sure you are using brand new needles (old or used ones could be nicked, corroded, or even bent), make sure the needle size and type fits the type and weight of the fabric you are sewing, look in your manual for any needle adjustment you can do with your machine.  my mom used to stick her needles in soap or wax to make them slide better, not sure if that will fix anything but it worked for her. 

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