We tried a couple of delicious new recipes tonight for dinner and I wanted to share them with you. If you're anything like me, you're always looking for new recipes to try out on the family.

The LOML bought three pounds of Mahi Mahi filets. He removed the skin, dipped them into a mixture of melted butter, garlic, lemon juice and Old Bay Seasoning (we didn't have any so we substituted Emeril Essence (BAM!)). Then he rolled it in Panko flakes. He placed them into a 9×13 baking dish and baked it for about 14-16 minutes at 375. He changed the setting on our oven to "toast" for the last two minutes to lightly brown the panko flakes. I never even knew we had a "toast" setting 🙂 .


Meanwhile, we cooked bowtie noodles as directed on the box. Then we tossed the pasta with 1 1/2 sticks of butter, garlic, salt and pepper.  In another pan, I melted 2 sticks of butter, crushed garlic and salt then added two bags of leaf spinach and stirred until wilted. We added the spinach to the noodles and added parmesan cheese. 


A side of crescent rolls and the dinner plates were complete.


The dinner was absolutely delicious and the whole family ate it up! 

Our house is slowly getting back to the school day routine. We had to bring Son #3, a college Freshman up to Appalachian State to join his older brother who will be a Senior this year. It doesn't get any easier saying goodbye. The hardest times for me happen when I get home and realize they are gone. With each of my three oldest sons, after they left, I would sit on their bed in their newly empty (and clean!!) room and just cry. Eighteen years is a long time to just one day drop them off in a strange place and not see their beautiful face every day. Tonight as I was setting the table for dinner, I realized I took out too many plates. WAAAAAAA!!

I pray for safety, wisdom, and God's protection on each of our boys who are out in the world and not under my nosy watchful eye.

Now that I'm getting back into the routine of life and not lounging around on summer vacation I just may get a project or two done. I see paint in my future!!

Hope y'all are enjoying your week!


Love y'all,






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