A HALLWAY WITH PERSONALITY ~ and a little board & batten

How was your 4th of July?

The LOML had a four day weekend and all but one of the kids was home for the summer so we had lots of family time planned.

Barbecuing baby back ribs, shrimp and pineapple kabobs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, fruit salad.

Along with all the fun, we got a little work done on our upstairs hallway.

Here’s what it looks like right now….



I wrote about our plans for the boring hallway in January of this year. Take a peek.

Our first step is hanging the board & batten. We took a trip to Lowe’s Home Improvement to buy all the wood. We ended up buying 3 sheets of 1/4″ plywood (one side already primed~SO COOL!), 5-1x4x6 boards, and 5-8′ cove molding. The LOML cut the plywood into 4″ strips for the “board.” Then he cut the 1x4x6 boards in half for the shelf that will sit on top of the top board.

Our next step was measuring and marking exactly where each of the horizontal boards will go. We then measured the horizontal measurements for each wall.

The LOML worked very hard in very hot temperatures cutting all the boards for our board & batten hallway.

We taped it up and voila!

PicMonkey Collagehall

Can you see the plan coming together?

Here’s our laundry room (our board & batten practice wall).


Next step……to cut the battens (the vertical pieces). Then we’ll nail and glue all the wood to the wall and paint everything white. I’m so excited to see the board and batten finished.

By the way, last weekend we went to the ReStore to look for french doors to replace the double doors into the bonus room. Boy, did we luck out! We found a pair of french doors with the exact measurements of the old doors. You can see them behind the new french doors in the picture below. $55 for each door.WOW!! I’m so happy 🙂


I’m planning on painting them black and adding crystal door knobs. I’m going back and forth on what to do with the windows. I want to let the light out but not be able to see through the windows. Should I frost them like I did with the laundry room door?


Or should I decoupage a map like this…?



Look! My crystal door knobs!! I love them so much!

Speaking of pretty crystal door knobs. I just ordered two sets for my new french doors from Amazon.

Hopefully, this weekend we will be able to finish the board & batten. Can’t wait to show it to you!

Enjoy your week!


Love y’all,


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