A CHRISTMAS TREE ~ memories on every branch

We just put up our Christmas tree. As I sit staring at all the lights and each ornament, memories just race through my mind.


I grew up with a faux silver Christmas tree and a spinning light sitting on the floor shining onto the tree to change the color of said tree from red to blue to green to yellow every couple of seconds. Being a six year old, I thought it was the coolest tree ever!

As I grew up, the family Christmas tree changed to a real looking green faux tree where I inserted the branches into the faux trunk of the tree and spread the “pine needles” that had been squished all year long in the too small box that lived in the garage.

When I got married, we tried a real tree. We went out to a real live tree lot and picked out our first real tree.

The smells that lingered in our family room from the tree were wonderful. The pine needles in the bottom of my feet…not so much!

After four boys, buying a real tree became expensive so we decided to go back to the faux tree. It’s low maintenance, inexpensive and with all the tinsel, lights and ornaments it really can look like a real tree.

Whichever tree you prefer, the tree and all the things we use to decorate it, all symbolize so much more. According to an article I read on One Christian Ministry Worldwide website:

Thus, in celebration of the Birth of Jesus (Christmas), we have:
+ A tree (remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross which is called a tree).
+ Lights and ornaments (representational of the glory, and wonder of what Jesus did on the cross). – In the days of old, Christians used candles (unsafe) on the tree, which was a connection also to the Church.
+ A star at the top, representing the star that was above Jesus Christ at his birth time.
+ Or perhaps an angel on top, representing the angel that told the shepherds of the birth of the King.
+ Often a nativity scene, which is a model that depicts the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas time.
+ And the gifts? Gift giving is a serious part of the tradition of Christmas, started by God himself: God gave us the gift of Jesus on his birth (Christmas). The wise men gave Jesus gifts when they arrived at the nativity. Jesus gave us the gift of salvation on the tree, as well as countless other gifts. We give our hearts, minds and souls to Jesus Christ.

And we give gifts to each other (love = best gift), because giving and sharing to make others happy and comforted is such a very strong part of Christianity. The gift giving of Christmas is often the fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Luke 6:38: “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom..” (Luke 6:38 KJV).



As I put each ornament on our tree this year, I can’t help but see each little hand that made them, the love behind them, and the memories of every one. We have a tradition of buying each of the kids an ornament every year that represents their specific year. We have graduation hat ornaments, video game ornaments, Star Wars ornaments, driver’s license ornaments, instrument ornaments, movie ornaments, sports ornaments, and family Christmas picture ornaments. I could go on and on and on. With each ornament, a beautiful memory stops me in my tracks. I can go back to that year and see each child as they were, the dreams they had, I can hear their laughter. It is amazing to me how almost 30 years of this family can be seen on each branch. It’s a wonderful feeling. I am so blessed!!

I pray that as you enjoy your holiday season, decorating your tree with family, you enjoy every memory and that it warms your heart.


Hopefully, I will post my Christmas House Tour in the next couple of days.

How is your decorating coming?


Love y’all,


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