Removing furniture, taking down pictures, filling in holes, sanding, cleaning, vacuuming, taping, painting…
This is how my family spent their weekend.
This is the UNC Room during it’s takedown.

Filling holes in the wall is never one of my favorite things to do….
so I delegated it to Son #4.

Taping is my job.

I’m kinda anal about getting the lines straight 😉

Here are the girls getting ready to paint!

The start of the transformation

The girls painted the inside of the closet.

Who paints the inside of the closet?? 

I’ve heard both arguments:

“Why do I have to paint the closet? No one is ever going to see it! 
“If you’re painting the room, you have to paint the WHOLE room.”

Well, I’ve never painted the closet so this is a first. My plan is to keep the closet doors off and hang some pretty curtains (like I did in the pink girls’ room), and have a vanity in the middle of the closet with hanging shelves on either side. Sooooooo…. people WILL see it.

What do you think of the color? It’s Valspar’s Aqua Ocean.

Walls painted ……… check
Next project……..paint this vanity

An added project is to paint the trim. When I was taping to paint, I saw how yucky the trim looked so I had to add this step.

What did y’all do this weekend? Hope it was wonderful!

Love y’all,



  1. We’ve been married almost 45 years and have always painted the inside of our closets in an off-white color. It makes it easier to see in the closet which is usually very dark and we use semi-gloss or egg shell and just wash the closet when doing spring cleaning. This makes it possible to only paint a closet ONCE, which is a hard task, and still have an attractive clean closet. In you case, I can see your reasoning for the color but his is a good tip for other closets.

  2. I know this is a very late comment but I just joined your blog. Tim Gunn “Project Runway and The Chew said one of the first things he does when he moves to a new place is paint the inside of all his closets white. He said it looks cleaner but more important for him is that it shows his clothing better for the colors and truer shades of the color. He also of course makes sure it is lit.

    I had never really thought about the paint color one way or another as far as a closet goes until he said that. It makes sense to me and the one thing I have always complained about in my closets is seeing the color of my clothes. I usually have to take them out and some place that has more light in order to match things.

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