Well, I’m walking on Cloud 9 today!!
I am so impressed with all the talent out there in blogland. I stalk read so many blogs and I’m just amazed at the creativity, skill, and just plain awesomeness that is around me!
A few weeks ago, Eliza, who works with Cassidy at Remodelaholic.com, contacted me and asked if they could feature my kitchen redo.
Okay, I’m feeling the love now! I am so honored for all the kind words I’ve received about my kitchen and now THIS!!
Remodelaholic.com is a wonderful blog that I read all the time in awe. And now my kitchen is on her page.
Y’all have to go visit her site and stay awhile and read. You’ll learn a lot and probably be a little intimidated like me about what people are capable of. Unbelievable talent!! If you want to see my feature click here at “Green Accent Kitchen Makeover”.
Go visit Remodelaholic.com right now. Get a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and stay awhile!
Thank you Cassidy, Justin and Eliza for the love!!
Now, off to finish my pantry. Come back and see!!
Love y’all, 



  1. Found you thru Remodelaholic and I love your blog! Your kitchen is gorgeous and I especially love the pantry door. I’m a new follower!

    Thrifty Decor Mom

  2. Found you on Remodelaholic too and I love the kitchen redo. And yup, I am a new follower of you too. Can’t wait to see what you are up too with the pantry 🙂

  3. Wow, beautiful kitchen re-do! My favorite part is that butcher block. But it’s hard to choose – everything is gorgeous! Found you on Remodelaholic. 🙂

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