INCENTIVE ~ and a lot of pressure!

Does anyone else out there put too much pressure on themselves?! Or is it just me?

For example, whenever we have company coming to stay over, I ALWAYS have to do something to the house…be it painting, hanging new pictures, fixing broken tiles in a bathroom, or redoing the landscaping outside.

PLEASE tell me I’m not the only ONE!! Anyone else hearing the song…..

Sometimes, I feel like that’s the only time I get motivated enough to do projects around the house.

This is one of many positives of this blog. YOU are my company and I get motivated to do projects that are hanging out there in “Project Land” because I want to entertain you. I’m a people pleaser and I always want to make people happy. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I don’t. And that’s okay! It’s great incentive to get a lot of things done and that’s ALWAYS a good thing.

Okay, enough about ME!

Now on to the  biggest  project we have ever tackled in our married life (25 years in May! WOW!). Our kitchen is coming along quite nicely. You can see the process here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here. WOW! You may need a weekend to read all of them!

My incentive for finishing the kitchen cabinets is the countertop. The wonderful people at The Stone Company are installing my granite countertops in two days!!! I’m so excited and exhausted all at the same time.

SO…now I have to go crazy with painting so it will all be done by the time they arrive. We finished the fourth section of the kitchen this weekend and I’m on to the fifth and FINAL section.


Son #4 and I took down the last set of cabinets and drawers around the cooktop and microwave. Talk about YUCKY!!! We stir fry a lot and the grease travels up and out. I had to wash the cabinet doors above the microwave five times before the grease was gone. Two coats of primer are on and we’ll paint the first coat of paint tonight. Hopefully, we’ll finish the second coat tomorrow morning and hang them back up tomorrow night.

THEN……my countertops will be here and I’ll be doing the happy dance!!!!!

I promise I’ll share pictures of the whole process of the countertop installation and the finished product. Hope you’ll come back!

Love ya,

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