OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY ~ and a little destruction

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To explain the title of this entry ~ I have been married to the LOML (LOVE OF MY LIFE) for 25 years coming up in May. An example of how wonderful my better half is….to celebrate our anniversary we were going to spend a long relaxing sun-filled vacation in a bed and breakfast on the beach.


 Can’t you just feel the sand between your toes, the sun on your pale face (at least mine), the champagne bubbles on your nose, the strawberry seeds stuck in your teeth?? Come back now!! Well, high maintenance ME wanted to go to The Haven Conference instead and the LOML said yes. We’re going to celebrate our silver anniversary with power tools and laptops and cameras. He must REALLY love me. Who knows why!! I’m the luckiest gal in the world!!!

To make matters worse…and yes, they can get worse, I had a crazy idea involving cutting up our 20×24 wedding portrait in our bedroom. EEEEKKKK!
Here’s what I did:
#1 I bought different size canvases. I wasn’t sure how many I needed so I bought a bunch of each size at AC Moore.
#2 I took the old lovely wedding portrait out of the old dusty lovely frame.
#3 I placed the portrait on my bed and cried!
Some of the reasons I cried
a) We were so young once
b) We had no gray hairs
c)The LOML had lots of hair
d) We could sleep in on Saturdays back then (B.C. Before Children)
e) We had no idea what God had in store for us
f) I’m going to cut up this very expensive picture and I have absolutely NO idea if it’s going to work!!
#4 I moved the canvases around on the picture until I liked the design.
#5 I traced the canvases onto the portrait.
#6 I cut (sweating profusely) the portrait!!!!
#7 I mod podged the portrait pieces onto the canvases by painting mod podge onto the canvas, putting the picture on and smoothing it out. Then I mod podged over the picture.

#8 When dry, I painted the sides and slightly over the edge of each canvas/picture with linen acrylic paint.

#9 I also painted two blank canvases with the same linen acrylic paint for a little SURPRISE!! (wink, wink).

#10 Son #3 hot glued hanging brackets to each canvas.

#11 We hung the collage over my bed
#12 A few months ago I ordered a very appropriate saying (and my favorite movie!) but I can’t for the life of me remember where I ordered them. Darn!

Here it is!

What do y’all think? I painted our initials on the linen canvases I painted and of course, one of my all-time favorite movies is “P.S. I Love You”.

It was a little nerve-racking cutting the portrait up but in the end I’m happy with it. It’s different and I think it’s  us.

Hope y’all are enjoying your weekend. We’re staining the butcherblock countertop for our island and hanging beadboard. Busy busy busy!!

Good night All!

Love ya,


  1. Linda,
    That looks amazing.What a beautiful photo of the two of you.Happy Anniversary.Sounds like a wonderful vacation.My Mr. and I will be married for 23 years and we have been together for 29 crazy.I can’t believe it has been that long.Goes by fast doesn’t it?

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