Talk about a project that never ends! Well, that’s my dining room. To recap… we want to sell our house someday so we had a stager walk through our house and give us advice on how to fix it up so we can get the most for our house.

One of her tips was to paint over our navy blue dining room. OUCH! We painted the room a tan color ~ very neutral. BUT I missed my BLUES. So, I had this brainstorm … Why don’t I paint the furniture BLUE?! What seems like months later I’m FINALLY done! WHEW!

Here are the pics




Here’s what I did

I removed the glass doors and glass shelves, beadboard wallpapered the back of the hutch behind the china plates, painted the whole thing and painted the brass hardware black. It turned out SOOOOO pretty!

We didn’t like the table and chairs that we had in there so I looked on Craigslist until I found a style I really liked.

Here are two of the chairs before:


I already took off the seat. It was covered in leather so I removed the leather,

the LOML spray painted the chairs with three coats (every little crevice AAAHHH!), he created a cavern under the deck outside and covered all the siding with plastic. I thought it was very ingenious!

I painted the table with three coats using a brush, then polyurethaned everything with three coats (that’s what I mean by a project that never ended!!).

I covered the chair pads with this beautiful blue plaid that ties in the taupe with the color of the walls. I cut a piece of material the size of the cushion plus enough to wrap around the back to be stapled. I sprayed the back of the fabric with fabric adhesive, placed the cushion in the center and pressed down. Then I pulled the fabric tight around the back and stapled away using my favorite tool ~ my staple gun. I think I used 4 zillion staples! I trimmed the excess fabric

and TADA
The previous owners of the chairs cut the arms off the two armchairs so there were holes in the cushions. Here’s how we fixed that problem:
The LOML cut a piece of spare 1″ pinewood that fit exactly into the gap and glued it into place with Gorilla Glue (we LOVE that stuff!)
Then I used some leftover eggcrate mattress pad  (remember I used that to recover the ottoman).
Then I put the fabric over it and pulled tight. It came out pretty good if I do say so myself! And here is the finished product AGAIN…
 It looks more countryish than I pictured but I still LOVE IT!! I really got my BLUES back and I’m SMILIN’!!
Also, notice the bling bling I added on the chandelier
What do y’all think of my blues? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Love ya,

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