APPRECIATION ~ and focus

Have you ever seen something in the distance and you just weren’t sure what it was because it wasn’t in focus? You can see a blurry shape but can’t quite see the details.

 As you get closer to the object, it becomes clearer and more defined. Then you get close enough that you can see the whole thing flaws and all.

As I get up in years (that’s so painful to say!), that object is getting clearer and easier to see ~ what life is really about! The things that used to be so important (success, having enough money, appearance, being liked, being accepted) become trivial.  As my life goes on, the picture becomes more defined. The things I can see clearly are the things that are most important…the people in my life. Loving them, quantity and quality time with them, telling them how important they are to me. All the other “stuff” fades away. I want to keep my focus on the important things.

As we get closer to Christmas and we get ready to celebrate with gift giving and eating turkey, I pray we don’t lose sight of the most important gift of Christmas….the gift of Jesus Christ who was born in a stable and died on a cross for you and me. WOW what a gift! Let’s also remember the people God has blessed us with. The people we should treasure…another wonderful gift! God really loves us!

Love ya,



  1. What amazing pictures of a wonderful family! Linda, you look stunning! Your love for friends and family has always been what I’ve loved about you. What a great reminder of what we should cherish every day! Merry Christmas to your family! Love ya, Christy

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