OUR FOYER ~ Where I Learned I’m Afraid of Heights!

Our twenty-one foot high foyer has always been a decorating nightmare for me. And I, handling problems as I do, would walk through it, say “YUCK!” and keep walking …. for TEN YEARS! Well, I couldn’t run from it anymore. I have to sell my house so, now what do I do?

Ladder, scaffolding, that Mission Impossible thing where Tom Cruise comes down from the ceiling on a rope? What should I do? So … I googled it! Do you know renting scaffolding isn’t that expensive? We ended up renting an 18 ~ foot scaffolding unit for $75 for two days. My boys thought it was Christmas! A new toy in the house!!

Standing on the scaffolding when it was at it’s highest made my knees shake! It was fun though! While I was up there taping the ceiling (I love taping!!) I looked at the brass light hanging from the ceiling. Besides being grossed out by the cobwebs (how do people dust up here?), I had to figure out what to do with this brass fixture. Can I paint it with my trusty black spray paint?? Too much glass and I couldn’t figure out how to take it apart.

TIME FOR A LOWES RUN!!! We bought a wrought iron chandelier that looks absolutely beautiful!!! I’M LOVIN’ IT!! What do y’all think?

A couple of pictures of my guys playing on the scaffolding

All my engineering brain men doing physics to put the scaffolding on the stairs. Very entertaining to watch!! I love my guys!

The walls were originally painted with the basic builders eggshell paint.  YUCK! Add to that millions of little handprints running up the stairs!  We ended up using the same color as the living room/computer room (Cliveden Sandstone by Valspar). Have I mentioned I’m a color queen?  I don’t do neutrals. I do bright blues, pinks, greens, yellows. The louder the better. So painting my house neutral is killing me!! Anything to sell my house!

Here’s the finished foyer ~

We also painted all the trim and  front door Valspar Bright White Semi-Gloss which made everything look so much cleaner and brighter. We bought a wrought iron doorknob for the front door and replaced the hinges, too. Gettin’ rid of all the brass!

Any experiences painting high places? Please share.

Love ya,

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