The progress on the fireplace is coming along nicely!!

So far, we found a sweet mantel from the Restore.

Then we built the hearth.

And then the firebox.

I wanted a neutral colored stone to attach to the hearth and firebox that would compliment the pretty mantel. One day as we were walking through Home Depot


we found the perfect stone paneling. (It’s funny how perfectly that works out!)

The most challenging part about attaching the stone to the wood was matching the stone pieces so they looked like one continuous piece. We ended up buying three sheets of the paneling at $30 a pop.

We cut an L shaped piece and a rectangular piece for the facing so we would only have one seam. Then we cut three more rectangular pieces for the firebox. We also cut a large piece for the top of the hearth and three smaller pieces for the edges of the hearth. We glued each piece to the wood and then used our trusty nail gun and nailed the pieces to the wood.

Isn’t it pretty??

If you look really closely, you can see the seams and edges.

We used grey grout that we ordered on Amazon to fix that problem!

Here’s a before and after the caulk. Can you see the difference? it’s amazing how a little caulk can clean up any space!

Our next and final step is to attach this beautiful baby to the wall.

Come back and see how we do it and see the final reveal!


Love y’all,


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