I love Christmas! I love buying gifts for friends and family. I love seeing their faces when they open up the gifts. One of my love languages is gifts. Strangely, I don’t enjoy receiving gifts as much as I like giving them. Something I’m working on!

In our family, everyone buys a gift for each person in the family. That equals 64 presents! That’s a lot of presents every year.

So this year, I wanted to do something different for the gifts everyone was going to buy for me. Instead of getting me something I really didn’t need, I asked each of them to take the money they would spend on my gift and donate it to their favorite charity. So one day, we sat down and went through a list of reputable charities and each person picked a favorite. We ended up donating to Charity: Water, Cancer Research Institute, Michael J. Fox Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse.

This has been one of the most rewarding Christmases EVER!! Giving back always feels good. I am blessed with an abundance of everything I need or want and to share it with others of God’s children is such a blessing!

For my 49th birthday (what seems like a really long time ago:( ), I wanted to do something different for my birthday so I spent a day with my family performing RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. Again, what a blessing!! Best birthday EVER!

If you ever feel like you really don’t need gifts, try giving instead. It’s a great thing to do and it makes your heart feel full!!

Hope your Christmas was a blessed time with the people you love. That’s what really matters.

Love y’all,


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