THE PERFECT PIECE ~ for a perfect piece

Do you remember the store I told you about a few months back called “A Perfect Piece”?

You can read about it and come back if you’d like 😉

Me and my dear friend Miss H had a blast walking through this beautiful (and rather large) consignment store and I can’t wait to go back!

During that trip, I found these beautiful cards from Quilling Card LLC  which I just found out is located in Framingham, Massachusetts which is near where I was born. On the back of each of their cards, it tells the story of quilling and how it made its way to the United States with the pilgrims but it dates back to the Egyptian times. The art of quilling is rolling or coiling and shaping small strips of paper to create a pattern or design. It gives the picture a three dimensional effect.

I bought two cards ~ one for Daughter #1 of butterflies and one for Daughter #2, my peacock lovin’ girl, a peacock card.

Just recently I was in Michael’s and I saw the perfect “frame” to display the peacock card in Daughter #2’s peacock bedroom.

Isn’t it adorable? It looks perfect in her room!

While we were looking through all the cards, we saw a wedding card with a bride and her dress was all rolled paper. It was stunning! I wanted to be invited to a wedding just to buy the card!

How is everyone’s summer going? Ours is coming to an end. Daughter #2 started school in early July (she’s in year-round school), we dropped Son #3 off at Appalachian State a few days ago for his Senior year, and we’re taking Son #4 up to the same school tomorrow to start his Freshman year. Tears will be flowing!! Our house is in shambles as there are boxes and Walmart shopping bags full of necessities all over the place.

Our closet is 1/3 of the way done so our master bedroom is piled high with clothes. Do you ever feel like you’re losing the battle with your house? That’s how I feel right now. BUT…this is insignificant compared to the summer we spent all together as a family before our fourth child heads off on a new and exciting adventure and we let go of his hand and pray for his safety and for a great year of learning, friends, and new possibilities. I’m tearing up so I better go.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

Love y’all,




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