A PERFECT PIECE ~ a consignment store

Yesterday,  my sweet friend Miss H and I enjoyed a beautiful breakfast at “First Watch”

which is a nice breakfast place in the town of Cary, NC.

We’ve been going to breakfast since our children were in kindergarten together which was 16 years ago! WOW! I feel old!

After we finished breakfast and felt bad about hogging a table, we paid our bill and went outside.

As we always do, we both said,

“Where do you want to go now?”

Miss H is my friend who knows where the great prices are, the best stores to visit, and when someone is trying to scam us.

She told me a friend of hers told her about a consignment store right down the street a little ways.

So, off we went!

She couldn’t remember the name of the store but she knew it was a play on words so we drove until she recognized the name,

The Perfect Piece

and boy did they have some perfect pieces!! Click on their name to see their facebook page. So much wonderfulness!!

Here are some examples of all the lovely!

As you can see, there was an array of beautiful things to look at. Painted and unpainted furniture, clothes, pillow covers, fabric, pillows, pictures, signs, home decor, cards, crazy little monkeys, lamps, candle holders, and something new to me…strings of beads to wrap around the candles (I love that!!) I just stood in a particular spot and stared for what seemed like hours and never got bored, just kept seeing so many things that made me happy! Talk about over stimulation!

So if you’re in the Raleigh/Cary area in the great state of NC, stop by The Perfect Piece in downtown Cary. It has so many wonderful lovelies and the people working there are so cheerful, helpful, and informative you’ll be blessed, trust me.

Hope y’all are enjoying your weekend!

Love y’all,


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