AN ORGANIZED CLOSET ~ trapped in the house

In January, NC was bombarded with about 2 inches of snow. (insert sarcastic snicker)

Believe it or not, we were stuck in the house for a few days.

The two inches of snow came Saturday morning. So we took  a walk in the new beautiful white stuff and froze our little butts off.

Church was cancelled, Son #2 couldn’t go to work, the LOML’s work site was closed, and  school was closed Monday and Tuesday. I know all of you who live north of NC are laughing at our response to 2 inches of snow!! And it is pretty funny!

It was great to have everyone stuck at home.

Since the kids were busy playing computer games together (do your kids do that?), I started cleaning out my master bedroom closet.

We have a pretty big closet but the space has not been used very efficiently.

This is a before picture…don’t judge!

The first thing we did was empty the closet out of everything except our hanging clothes.

WOW! All this fit into our closet!

Our closet is made up of a big U shape with one wire shelf on two walls and a double wire shelf on the third wall.

The LOML went through all his hanging clothes and got rid of too small, worn out, old clothes. I do that every time I switch out my winter clothes for summer clothes and vice versa. BUT I did have 6 bins of clothes that I thought I could one day fit into again (HA!) and the off season clothes that I’m not wearing at this time. I went through all of them with a purge attitude and ended up getting rid of 4 whole bins!!

With the clothes we are keeping and wearing now we moved them to the double shelf wall.

I needed a place to hang my long necklaces to keep them from tangling and to keep them out of the way. We have a bookcase in our bedroom that is just taking up space so I thought of revamping it to hold my jewelry and to organize my shoes.

We removed the back wire rack and placed the bookcase against the back wall.

I found a necklace holder and ring holder at HomeGoods for a steal. They were in the clearance section. My favorite place!!

I bought the earring holders from The Container Store. Daughter #2 and I spent some bonding time in the closet putting all the earrings into the little holes.

Now we have a half of the closet to organize all the wrapping paper, bows, ribbon, fabric, out-of-season clothes, and all the other junk important items we just can’t get rid of.

I started with 6 bins of out-of-season clothes and thinned them out to 2 bins. I finally gave in to the fact I’ll never fit into my skinny clothes EVER AGAIN!! All the extra clothes went to Goodwill.

We also ended up with a huge pile of junk that went to the dump.

As we finished up the wood floors in the hallway, we had some pieces left which then gave me the idea,

“Why not put wood floors in the closet?”

So we ordered 4 more boxes plus the pieces we had left and we’re going to replace the carpet with pretty flooring.

Also, I want to change out the wire shelving with this idea I got from Pinterest:


OH look at the pretty wood floors!!

I’m in the planning stages of how to place the shelving for the best use of the space.

I’ll share the progress as we go. I can’t wait to get started.

Have a great weekend!

Love y’all,


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